Hana Koketsu “Morning”
2023.09.07 Exhibition
“Morning” by Hana Koketsu
9月8日 ~ 9月25日
どこか懐かしく、清々しく、泣きたくなるような不思議な気分。想像の中にしかない、普遍的なパラダイス。夢が瞼の裏から溶け落ちる前の情景。アーティスト ハナ・コケツの初めての個展をSuch As, Galleryにて開催致します。
Hana Koketsu(ハナ・コケツ)
2001年日本生まれ、 ニューヨーク在住。 Pratt Institute of Art 在学。
“I make art in various mediums, but mainly painting. The imagery in my mind has always been heavily intertwined with the world of music and dreams. I experience visceral and beautiful emotions through these dreams and music. It’s hard to find words to describe this state, so my art expresses these real experiences. The places I try to reflect are a core part of my reality and identity that exists beyond physical reality.”
Hana Koketsu
Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, in 2001. Currently a student at Pratt Institute of Art in New York City. Her two most consistent hobbies are listening to music and learning new art-making skills.